This is a blog about sooty falcons. It aims to be a forum for information on ongoing research and conservation efforts. The information within this blog is copyrighted, and should not be reproduced elsewhere without permission. Please make comments and ask questions. If you click on any images they should open in another window, be larger and easier to view.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Sooty falcons on World Migratory Bird Day 2014

May 10 - 11 are World Migratory Bird Day 2014.  So, it seems appropriate that we post something about the sooty falcons.  Ivato seems really to have settled on a small Eritrean Island in the Red Sea.
Ivato's movements in the last week.
130393, the chick from Oman, is still in northern Kenya, north of the town of Marsabit.

130393's movements during 9-10 May 2014

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