This is a blog about sooty falcons. It aims to be a forum for information on ongoing research and conservation efforts. The information within this blog is copyrighted, and should not be reproduced elsewhere without permission. Please make comments and ask questions. If you click on any images they should open in another window, be larger and easier to view.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

130393 settles in for the week

For the last week 130393 has stayed within a limited areas of about 20 x 15 km.  In the map below, the dark blue locations are of the highest quality.  Because the best quality is attained when the bird is not moving, these locations are almost certainly when the bird was perched. In fact, given the timing of these, many, especially the clusters are almost surely places where 130393 roosted overnight.

1 comment:

  1. Rand (1930) reports seen the birds at 'lac Iotry' Is this the same as Lake Inotry NW of the location of 'our' bird? Pehaps the Malagasy team can help.
    Rand wrote: "At Lac Iotry, from December 12 to December 17, 1929, these birds were observed in migration. Each morning from two - three to eight or ten were seen crossing the lake or marsh from the north-west to the southeast. The birds appeared singly, at irregular intervals usually at no great height, some even low over the lake. A few birds were collected during this flight and all had food in their stomachs. This bird frequented savannas, open wooldland, and bush, where it was sometimes common. It was rather conspicuous, often sitting on some exposed perch and usually was not at all shy."
