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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

130395 has left Fahal on migration

Three sooty falcons fitted with satellite tags in 2013 have started on migration; two have yet to make a move, but are alive and well.

130395 started migrating on 4 November.  Surprisingly, the first location on the mainland was at about 2200 hrs, so he was flying in the dark.  The last location was at 0300 on 5 November, south of Barka.

Movements by 130395 during 1-5 November 2013.
130393 made a further move and is now located on the Yemen Red Sea coast around Al Hudaydah. Almost certainly his next move will be into Africa.  Have a look at the two maps below.

130394's movement across Arabia.

130394's recent locations on the Red Sea coast

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